Sunday, January 25, Twin Brook, Cumberland, sign up from 11-11:45, race begins at 12:00, skate race


There will be races for the following age categories and ribbons for all participants:

Lollypop (born after 2000)--approximately .5 km

J-5 (born in 1999 & 2000)--approximately 2 km

J-4 (born in 1997 & 98)--approximately 3 km

J-3 (born in 1995 & 96)--approximately 3 km

Also, if there are any 8th graders who were born in 1994, we will have a J-2 race for them, same distance as J-3

Please bring along a snack or juice/sports drinks/water to share after the race.

Entry fee $2.00

Any questions, please call Ted Hall at 846-4872