Cape Nordic Bottle Drive


I have established a Clynk account for Cape Nordic. Clynk is the redemption company used by Hannaford supermarkets.  With the long wait for Bottle Shed and the large amount of time required to man the Bottle Shed we feel that this option allows us to painlessly donate each family’s bottles toward Cape Nordic.  If we each commit to donating our returnables monthly we have the possibility of raising additional money which can be used for the team trips.


The Clynk people have given Cape Nordic 50 free bags, which works out to about two bags per family.  Additional bags will cost 20 cents each, but to earn credit for the Cape Nordic account, we will have to make sure we have the proper labels to place on each bag.  I have Clynk labels for each bag with our account number.   If you didn't get your bags at the auction, please let me know.  I would ask that each member take at least 2 bags and when full, drop them off for credit at a Clynk station.


Once we use up the first 50 bags we will have to purchase additional bags.  Only one person from the organization can pick up the labels and the bags.  Suggestions would be welcome for a better way to distribute the bags.  Clynk will only allow us 1 tag to pick up the labels/bags.


Thanks for your help – and recycle the Nordic way!


Steve Garland